Access Consciousness

Access Consciousness offers pragmatic tools to change things in your life that you haven’t been able to change until now. It provides you with ways to become totally aware and to begin to function as the conscious being you truly are. 


About Access Consciousness

Our target of Access is to create a world of Consciousness & Oneness

Consciousness & Oneness includes everything and judges nothing. It’s the ability to be present in your life in every moment without judgment of you or anyone else. It’s the ability to receive everything, to judge nothing, and to allow the entire Universe to be what it is. If you have no judgment of anything, then you get to look at everything for what it is, not for what you want it to be, not for what it ought to be, but just for what it is. From this space you can transform and change all things and create everything you desire in life – greater than what you currently have and more than what you can imagine.

Our target of Access is Empowerment

Everything in Access Consciousness is about empowering you with the awareness of the fact that you can perceive, know, be and receive everything infinitely. It’s about empowering you at all times to know that you know. As each one of us steps into our greatness, the possibility that gets created for all of us is infinitely greater.

Our target of Access is to Be You and Change the World

You are capable of changing the world and changing everyone around you with the energy you can be. If you alone walk into a room full of panic-stricken people, panic can go away because of your energy, if you are willing to be it. But, you have to be willing to be that potent that nothing stops you as the consciousness you are.

What if you, being you, is the gift and change this world requires? Is now the time?




Access Bars

Access Bars® has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. People report better health, ease of sleep, weight loss, better sex and relationships, relief from anxiety, less stress and so much more. It is a kind of non-invasive energy healing modality that uses a set of 32 points on the head which, when lightly touched, are said to “stimulate positive change in the brain, release physical and mental blocks stored in the body, and help facilitate greater ease in all different areas of life.


Access Facelift

The Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and throughout the entire body. The gentle soothing touch applied to your face and neck works with your body's cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate. It gives the body a chance to move and transform a lot of the limiting energies and judgments that get locked in our face, head, chest, and body. A dynamic yet gentle hands-on body process, the facelift can deepen and quicken the body’s natural healing capacities.


Access Body Processes

An Access Consciousness Body Process is a hands-on method that uses different hand placements on various positions on the body and then asking specific energies to run at each spot. These processes facilitate the body back into its original functions, which assist with the repairing and longevity of the body. The energies are the natural energies that bodies are and have access to from everywhere in the universe.


Symphony Sessions

The Symphony of Possibility (SOP) sessions are about energetic empowerment and change and it can invite you to open up to living in a completely different way. Each session will invite you to a different possibility. Are you ready to take your life beyond what you have decided is possible?


Being You

The Being You sessions take you from having a life, run on autopilot – into becoming fully alive and totally present as the infinite being you truly be. It will open you up to an expanded awareness of a life without judgment and empower you to know that you know.